Our Crest
The crest of Don Bosco Academy was devised with the whole history of the Institution in mind, a history that provides the ideals which forms the very foundation on which this Institution has been built. At the top is a lamp (diya) - signifying light - the enlightenment of the whole student , intellectually and morally.
At the left the book signifies -Knowledge which this institution was established to provide to all regardless of caste, creed, religion, sex, location, language. The symbol on the right - an anchor signifies tenacity and stability , so that one keeps focused on ones goal.
At the foot of the crest , the Plough signifies hard work and dedication, for one to be successful in life, which identifies this institution with not only Patna and Bihar but with India and its culture.
The date represents the year in which this school was founded.
Our MOTTO - "FOR GOD AND COUNTRY" is one which has been associated with education in India , it neatly sums up the goals of this institution, of all its teachers for the students.