

In 1997 this institution experimented with the concept of "HOME HOSTELS" at McCluskiegunj. This institution wanted all round economic development of this hamlet and usher in a permanent period of prosperity for the local community.

Local residents of McCluskiegunj were invited to set up hostels at their residences/bungalows. The concept of "HOME HOSTELS" was received well by the local residents/parents & guardians/students.

Today there are over 40 such functioning hostels catering for almost 900 students. Location details of hostels may be procured from the school office on request.

Parents/Guardians are informed all the hostels are Private and not directly under the control or supervision of the school administration. At best the school's interevention is advisory and reccommendatory in nature.

Parents/Guardians are requested not to be lured or enticed by false claims made by and individual. Parents/Guardians are advised to personally visit the hostels and verify the facilities provided, especially to matters pertaining to food, lodging, studies, health & hygiene, supervision and safety of students. 

Parents/Guardians to note that Co-Ed Hostels were never allowed or encouraged. Co-Ed Hostels are not permitted anymore wef: 30/09/2024. Kindly read the following circular regarding the same :-


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